

Orphan Care

In Karnataka, South India, we see that there are so many street children because of their families dis-organised conditions, and due to this many children end up on the streets pick-pocketing, addicted to drugs and not having a hopeful future. Seeing this need, we started a children home by name Asha Kiran which means “Ray of Hope” which aims to provide care, support and protection for 17 orphans & street children at present. This home has 2 caretakers, one cook, one supervisor and also a doctor who conducts health camps once a month with a prior check-up & providing medicines if needed. The children are being provided with 3 nutritious meals a day, books for school and 4 sets of uniforms and regular dresses. Every child has opportunity for indoor and outdoor recreation and playing facilities along with training in crafts and hobbies. If you like to sponsor this project feel free to click on donate page or contact us, we would love to hear from you.


There are around 150 Caretakers Families (a person who takes care of an apartment, also called as a watchman) living in our surrounding area. Each family has 2 or 3 children attending schools but they are not able to feed them 3 meals a day regularly as they are daily laborers and earn 300 per day for their livelihood. We reach out to these 150+ families by giving them basic groceries and every year stationary items for their children at the beginning of the academic year. In future we are planning to set up a day care centre for those kids who don’t go to school at this centre make sure they learn and also know the importance of education in the society. If you like to sponsor this project, feel free to click on the donate page or contact us to know more. We would love to hear from you.


In our surroundings like near railway stations, public bus stands, and outside religious places we see so many homeless people looking for a meal. They live from what people give them while passing by. That is not much and therefore seeing that need as a organization we reach out to them at 4 times in a year by giving them food and rugs as the winter starts. We want to feed them as much as we can due to our low financial income we only go to these people on a specific period. If you like to sponsor this project, feel free to click on the donate page or contact us. We would love to hear from you.


ACT works with slum residents, like children, women, youth in urban and rural areas. It addresses multiple needs of the socio-economically vulnerable with solutions, through which slum residents have access to basic services for holistic growth. ACT started to work with slums and have helped more than 150 families since its establishment, there were many derived families of these slums who were out of basic needs like rice, oil, lentils etc because of the pandemic but we as an organization realized their needs and started to help these slums. For children there was no awareness regarding values of education. Initially parents of these children were not willing to send their children to the school due to financial problems. After analyzed of the problems and assessed the needs we started to give inputs accordingly, like study material (to retain them in to school for the full time), Uniform (for self/ team belongingness, recognition), community visit / counselling (to aware them, involve them within the system, making them responsible) In future will start providing them other supports like health camps, counselling, skill development, cultural, etc to ensuring their rights and over all development.

Women’s Training Center……. coming soon

We want to set up a Tailoring and Embroidery skill-training center to equip the women. The intention behind the training is to create a decent living for the needy women by converting the center as a production center for their employment. Eighty-five (85%) per cent of the women (Parents of our children) in the age group of 18 to 40 years live in economic crisis because there is not even a single source for income. Many of these women have done their eighth grade and some even have completed their 12th grade. These women show interest to learn a skill, which will draw them, some money to make a good living out of it. These women expressed their need to be trained in some skills to get the employment. Therefore, this Tailoring and Embroidery training was started. If they are trained in this skill it will be easier for them to get employment in the nearby Export garment factories as Tailors and in business house. The contents of the training are dressmaking, garment over locking, power machine operation, fashion designing, and machine embroidery. After the training, these women would gain the skill and experience in dressmaking and fashion designing. At this time, center would be converted as training-cum-production center by getting business orders from Export Processing Zone and nearby Garment Factories.

Coronavirus outbreak has brought the world at its feet and has created an international Pandemic emergency situation. With the spread of Coronavirus, also known as “Covid-19”, a nation-wide lockdown has been announced resulting in many needy and homeless people facing shortage of food and essential items required for their survival during the pandemic. Anugraha Charitable Trust has taken a pledge to help the homeless & needy people by providing healthy cooked food & ration in this time of distress to make it easy for people to survive during this Corona Pandemic lockdown in India. ACT has established the CORONA RELIEF SEVA FUND for free food distribution to those in need. The donation for the Covid-19 Relief Funds will provide help & support for the daily wage-earning labourers and homeless people. We together can help and support them in this dire situation of national emergency. Along with the relief measures, ACT is also creating awareness related to Corona Virus caused disease COVID 19 by making people understand the importance of sanitizing & social distancing to protect them from getting vulnerable & prone to infection.

What we achieved since March 2020

Food Packets distributed to more than 1000 needy people.

Dry Ration (Groceries) distributed to more than 900 needy families.

Soaps/Masks distributed to more than 200 needy people.

In this distress & unfortunate time, ACT is putting its full efforts to reach out to each and every distressed, homeless & hungry struck due to Corona Lockdown and help them. With a little support from each of you, we will be able to stay afloat and help others in coping with this difficult situation. You can easily contribute online in our bank account or Bank QR code or any UPI payment is accepted. Thank you for all your support and help us to continue with our Corona Relief Seva and social activities without any interruptions.