Over 93% of all Donations go directly to Projects.

Under 7% for admin, fundraising, and salaries.

Thank you for your continued Support

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Give Donation.

We rely 100% on kind donations and contributions to run our projects. Every donation, no matter how big or small is spent on improving the lives of those who are most in need.

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Become a Volunteer.

On this program you will be spending time working as a volunteer at our children home for children aged between 4 years to 16 years and also with the communities we work. You will conduct various activities such as English Class, playing games, helping with homework and other activities for children and for communities as per your talent we will ask you to help us in that category of which you well versed. Please feel free to e-mail us for more information.

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Help the Children.

We see that there are so many street children because of their families dis-organized conditions, and due to this many children end up on the streets pick-pocketing, addicted to drugs and not having a hopeful future.

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“Our Mission is to prepare these communities to have confidence, wisdom, and encourage them with resources they will need as they cross the bridge of life"

Total Volunteers

Meals Served

Slums Reached

Rescued Children

Groceries Provided

Help the Homeless & Hungry People.

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Our Charity Causes

If you want to work with Anugraha Charitable Trust? Send your Details.

We would like to hear from you and if you have any questions you can click on the contact us below and we will get back to you with an answer in 2 working days.

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